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Magistrala CLI makes it easy to manage users, clients, channels and messages.

CLI can be downloaded as separate asset from project releases or it can be built with GNU Make tool:

Get the Magistrala code

go get

Build the magistrala-cli

make cli

which will build magistrala-cli in <project_root>/build folder.

Executing build/magistrala-cli without any arguments will output help with all available commands and flags:

magistrala-cli [command]

Available Commands:
bootstrap Bootstrap management
certs Certificates management
channels Channels management
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
config CLI local config
domains Domains management
groups Groups management
health Health Check
help Help about any command
invitations Invitations management
journal journal log
messages Send or read messages
provision Provision things and channels from a config file
subscription Subscription management
things Things management
users Users management

-b, --bootstrap-url string Bootstrap service URL
-s, --certs-url string Certs service URL
-c, --config string Config path
-C, --contact string Subscription contact query parameter
-y, --content-type string Message content type (default "application/senml+json")
-x, --curl Convert HTTP request to cURL command
-d, --domains-url string Domains service URL
-h, --help help for magistrala-cli
-H, --host-url string Host URL
-p, --http-url string HTTP adapter URL
-I, --identity string User identity query parameter
-i, --insecure Do not check for TLS cert
-v, --invitations-url string Inivitations URL
-a, --journal-url string Journal Log URL
-l, --limit uint Limit query parameter (default 10)
-m, --metadata string Metadata query parameter
-n, --name string Name query parameter
-o, --offset uint Offset query parameter
-r, --raw Enables raw output mode for easier parsing of output
-R, --reader-url string Reader URL
-z, --state string Bootstrap state query parameter
-S, --status string User status query parameter
-t, --clients-url string Things service URL
-T, --topic string Subscription topic query parameter
-u, --users-url string Users service URL

Use "magistrala-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.

It is also possible to use the docker image magistrala/cli to execute CLI command:

docker run -it --rm magistrala/cli -u http://<IP_SERVER> [command]

For example:

docker run -it --rm magistrala/cli -u users token 12345678

"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MzkyOTQxMjcsImlhdCI6MTczOTI5MDUyNywiaXNzIjoic3VwZXJtcS5hdXRoIiwidHlwZSI6MCwidXNlciI6IjZjY2FmMTNjLWVmODgtNGNmMi04ZTNhLWM3YzA0YzVlYWY5YiJ9.Qot3ZoqC1enhAS3YEJY3WJioMAJnr98laBGsJzSgF2Zege5pVqILVLcPZzRBmHdIPys4diAGbqRQQzfW_k_Huw",
"refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE3MzkzNzY5MjcsImlhdCI6MTczOTI5MDUyNywiaXNzIjoic3VwZXJtcS5hdXRoIiwidHlwZSI6MSwidXNlciI6IjZjY2FmMTNjLWVmODgtNGNmMi04ZTNhLWM3YzA0YzVlYWY5YiJ9.EcRH3DUZcplHz-9Ry_90kSQKLwAWXPww9XfMZ9beoEJItpY39g5-n7vnTyLkRhOp6Pw6aZbfuhOL3TWIE-Q13A"

You can execute each command with -h flag for more information about that command, e.g.

magistrala-cli bootstrap -h

Response should look like this:

Bootstrap management: create, get, update, delete or whitelist Bootstrap config

magistrala-cli bootstrap [command]

Available Commands:
bootstrap Bootstrap config
create Create config
get Get config
remove Remove config
update Update config
whitelist Whitelist config

-h, --help help for bootstrap

Global Flags:
-b, --bootstrap-url string Bootstrap service URL
-s, --certs-url string Certs service URL
-c, --config string Config path
-C, --contact string Subscription contact query parameter
-y, --content-type string Message content type (default "application/senml+json")
-x, --curl Convert HTTP request to cURL command
-d, --domains-url string Domains service URL
-H, --host-url string Host URL
-p, --http-url string HTTP adapter URL
-I, --identity string User identity query parameter
-i, --insecure Do not check for TLS cert
-v, --invitations-url string Inivitations URL
-a, --journal-url string Journal Log URL
-l, --limit uint Limit query parameter (default 10)
-m, --metadata string Metadata query parameter
-n, --name string Name query parameter
-o, --offset uint Offset query parameter
-r, --raw Enables raw output mode for easier parsing of output
-R, --reader-url string Reader URL
-z, --state string Bootstrap state query parameter
-S, --status string User status query parameter
-t, --clients-url string Things service URL
-T, --topic string Subscription topic query parameter
-u, --users-url string Users service URL

Use "magistrala-cli bootstrap [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Get Magistrala services health check

magistrala-cli health <service>

For "boostrap" service, the response should look like this:

"build_time": "2025-02-04_10:04:48",
"commit": "cff6e7f0858c07fffdeafccf6a73f8a87c7d9e45",
"description": "boostrap service",
"status": "pass",
"version": "v0.15.1"