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Magistrala CLI provides a simple and efficient way to manage channels. Below are the key commands to create, connect, assign and manage channels within your system.

Create Channel

To create a new channel:

magistrala-cli channels create '{"name":"myChannel"}' <domain_id> <user_token>

Example usage:

magistrala-cli channels create '{"name":"myChannel"}' 9879f314-8b0a-4a11-b157-8523491ffa81 token

Expected result:

"created_at": "2025-02-12T17:25:02.063072Z",
"domain_id": "9879f314-8b0a-4a11-b157-8523491ffa81",
"id": "41a64d0c-5ac6-42d7-bff6-0d4d2828416e",
"name": "myChannel",
"updated_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"

Bulk Provision Channels

Easily provision multiple channels using:

  • file - A CSV or JSON file containing channel names (must have extension .csv or .json)
  • user_token - A valid user auth token for the current system
magistrala-cli provision channels <file> <domain_id> <user_token>

An example CSV file might be:


in which the first column is channel names.

A comparable JSON file would be

"name": "<channel1_name>",
"domain_id": "9879f314-8b0a-4a11-b157-8523491ffa81",
"description": "<channel1_description>",
"status": "enabled"
"name": "<channel2_name>",
"domain_id": "9879f314-8b0a-4a11-b157-8523491ffa81",
"description": "<channel2_description>",
"status": "disabled"
"name": "<channel3_name>",
"domain_id": "9879f314-8b0a-4a11-b157-8523491ffa81",
"description": "<channel3_description>",
"status": "enabled"

With JSON you can be able to specify more fields of the channels you want to create

Update Channel Information

Using the update flag can update the channel.

magistrala-cli update <channel_id> '{"id":"<channel_id>","name":"myNewName"}' <domain_id> <user_auth_token>

Example usage:

magistrala-cli channels update 41a64d0c-5ac6-42d7-bff6-0d4d2828416e '{"name":"Lights"}' 9879f314-8b0a-4a11-b157-8523491ffa81 <user_token>

Expected result:

"created_at": "2025-02-12T17:25:02.063072Z",
"domain_id": "9879f314-8b0a-4a11-b157-8523491ffa81",
"id": "41a64d0c-5ac6-42d7-bff6-0d4d2828416e",
"name": "Lights",
"updated_at": "2025-02-12T18:01:51.27765Z",
"updated_by": "6ccaf13c-ef88-4cf2-8e3a-c7c04c5eaf9b"

Enable Channel

To enabke a channel:

magistrala-cli channels enable <channel_id> <domain_id> <user_token>

Example usage:

magistrala-cli channels enable 41a64d0c-5ac6-42d7-bff6-0d4d2828416e 9879f314-8b0a-4a11-b157-8523491ffa81 token

Expected result:

"created_at": "2025-02-12T17:25:02.063072Z",
"domain_id": "9879f314-8b0a-4a11-b157-8523491ffa81",
"id": "41a64d0c-5ac6-42d7-bff6-0d4d2828416e",
"name": "Lights",
"updated_at": "2025-02-12T18:02:51.127089Z",
"updated_by": "6ccaf13c-ef88-4cf2-8e3a-c7c04c5eaf9b"

Disable Channel

To change a channel's status from enabled to disabled:

magistrala-cli channels disable <channel_id> <domain_id> <user_token>

Example usage:

magistrala-cli channels disable 41a64d0c-5ac6-42d7-bff6-0d4d2828416e 9879f314-8b0a-4a11-b157-8523491ffa81 token

Expected result:

"created_at": "2025-02-12T17:25:02.063072Z",
"domain_id": "9879f314-8b0a-4a11-b157-8523491ffa81",
"id": "41a64d0c-5ac6-42d7-bff6-0d4d2828416e",
"name": "Lights",
"status": "disabled",
"updated_at": "2025-02-12T18:02:51.127089Z",
"updated_by": "6ccaf13c-ef88-4cf2-8e3a-c7c04c5eaf9b"

Get Channel

To view a specific channel:

magistrala-cli channels get <channel_id> <domain_id> <user_token>

Example usage:

magistrala-cli channels get 41a64d0c-5ac6-42d7-bff6-0d4d2828416e 9879f314-8b0a-4a11-b157-8523491ffa81 token

Expected result:

"created_at": "2025-02-12T17:25:02.063072Z",
"domain_id": "9879f314-8b0a-4a11-b157-8523491ffa81",
"id": "41a64d0c-5ac6-42d7-bff6-0d4d2828416e",
"name": "Lights",
"updated_at": "2025-02-12T18:04:58.941926Z",
"updated_by": "6ccaf13c-ef88-4cf2-8e3a-c7c04c5eaf9b"

Get Channels

To list all the channels in the system:

magistrala-cli channels get all  <domain_id> <user_token>

Get a subset list of provisioned Channels

To list clients based on a set of parameters:

magistrala-cli channels get all --offset=1 --limit=5  <domain_id> <user_token>

Connect Client to Channel

To connect a client to a channel:

magistrala-cli clients connect <client_id> <channel_id> <conn_types_json_list> <domain_id> <user_auth_token>

Bulk Connect Clients to Channels

To connect multiple clients to channels use:

  • file - A CSV or JSON file containing client and channel ids (must have extension .csv or .json)
  • user_token - A valid user auth token for the current system
magistrala-cli provision connect <file>  <domain_id> <user_token>

An example CSV file might be


in which the first column is client IDs and the second column is channel IDs. A connection will be created for each client to each channel. This example would result in 4 connections being created.

A comparable JSON file would be

"subjects": ["<client_id1>", "<client_id2>"],
"objects": ["<channel_id1>", "<channel_id2>"]

Disconnect Client from Channel

To disconnect a client from a channel:

magistrala-cli clients disconnect <client_id> <channel_id> <domain_id> <user_token>