Test Spec
Setting up MZBench
MZbench is open-source tool for that can generate large traffic and measure performance of the application. MZBench is distributed, cloud-aware benchmarking tool that can seamlessly scale to millions of requests. It's originally developed by satori-com but we will use mzbench fork because it can run with newest Erlang releases and the original MzBench repository is not maintained anymore.
We will describe installing MZBench server on Ubuntu 18.04 (this can be on your PC or some external cloud server, like droplet on Digital Ocean)
Install latest OTP/Erlang (it's version 22.3 for me)
sudo apt update
sudo apt install erlang
For running this tool you will also need libz-dev package:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libz-dev
and pip:
sudo apt install python-pip
Clone mzbench tool and install the requirements:
git clone https://github.com/mzbench/mzbench
cd mzbench
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
This should be enough for installing MZBench, and you can now start MZBench server with this CLI command:
./bin/mzbench start_server
The MZBench CLI lets you control the server and benchmarks from the command line.
Another way of using MZBench is over Dashboard. After starting server you should check dashboard on http://localhost:4800
Note that if you are installing MZBench on external server (i.e. Digital Ocean droplet), that you'll be able to reach MZBench dashboard on your server's IP address:4800, if you previously:
- change default value for
in configuration file. Default configuration file location is~/.config/mzbench/server.config
, create it from sample configuration file~/.config/mzbench/server.config.example
- open port
withufw allow 4800
MZBench can run your test scenarios on many nodes, simultaneously. For now, you are able to run tests locally, so your nodes will be virtual nodes on machine where MZBench server is installed (your PC or DO droplet). You can try one of our MQTT scenarios that uses vmq_mzbench worker. Copy-paste scenario in MZBench dashboard, click button Environmental variables -> Add from script and add appropriate values. Because it's running locally, you should try with smaller values, for example for fan-in scenario use 100 publishers on 2 nodes. Try this before moving forward in setting up Amazon EC2 plugin.
Setting up Amazon EC2 plugin
For larger-scale tests we will set up MZBench to run each node as one of Amazon EC2 instance with built-in plugin mzb_api_ec2_plugin.
This is basic architecture when running MZBench:
Every node that runs your scenarios will be one of Amazon EC2 instance; plus one more additional node — the director node. The director doesn't run scenarios, it collects the metrics from the other nodes and runs post and pre hooks. So, if you want to run jobs on 10 nodes, actually 11 EC2 instances will be created. All instances will be automatically terminated when the test finishes.
We will use one of ready-to-use Amazon Machine Images (AMI) with all necessary dependencies. We will choose AMI with OTP 22, because that is the version we have on MZBench server. So, we will search for MZBench-erl22
AMI and find one with id ami-03a169923be706764
available in us-west-1b
zone. If you have chosen this AMI, all you do from now must be in us-west-1 zone. We must have IAM user with AmazonEC2FullAccess
and IAMFullAccess
permissions policies, and his access_key_id
and secret_access_key
goes to configuration file. In EC2 dashboard, you must create new security group MZbench_cluster
where you will add inbound rules to open ssh and TCP ports 4801-4804. Also, in EC2 dashboard go to section key pairs
, click Actions
-> Import key pair
and upload public key you have on your MZBench server in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
(if you need to create new, run ssh-keygen
and follow instructions). Give it a name on EC2 dashboard, put that name (key_name
) and path (keyfile
) in configuration file.
{mzbench_api, [
{keyfile, "~/.ssh/id_rsa"},
{cloud_plugins, [
{local,#{module => mzb_dummycloud_plugin}},
{ec2, #{module => mzb_api_ec2_plugin,
instance_spec => [
{image_id, "ami-03a169923be706764"},
{group_set, ["MZbench_cluster"]},
{instance_type, "t2.micro"},
{availability_zone, "us-west-1b"},
{iam_instance_profile_name, "mzbench"},
{key_name, "key_pair_name"}
config => [
{ec2_host, "ec2.us-west-1.amazonaws.com"},
{access_key_id, "IAM_USER_ACCESS_KEY_ID"},
{secret_access_key, "IAM_USER_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"}
instance_user => "ec2-user"
There is both local
and ec2
plugin in this configuration file, so you can choose to run tests on either of them. Default path for configuration file is ~/.config/mzbench/server.config
, if it's somewhere else, server is starting with:
./bin/mzbench start_server --config <config_file>
Note that every time you update the configuration you have to restart the server:
./bin/mzbench restart_server
Test scenarios
Testing environment to be determined.
Message publishing
In this scenario, large number of requests are sent to HTTP adapter service every second. This test checks how much time HTTP adapter needs to respond to each request.
Message Publishing Results
Create and get client
In this scenario, large number of requests are sent to clients service to create clients and than to retrieve their data. This test checks how much time clients service needs to respond to each request.
Create and Get Client Results