Domain Information
Navigate to the Domain
section in the side navigation under Domain Management to find out more about the domain.
Here a user can edit the Domain Name, Alias, Tags and Metadata as well as copy the Domain ID.
The Domain status can be disabled by clicking the Disable
button or enabled by the Enable
button. Disabling the domain will revoke the access for users who are not domain admins.
Domain Roles
From the roles section of the domain, the user can create new roles with varying role actions.
By default, an admin role with complete control over the domain is always present and granted to the Domain creator.
This is a domain role actions comprehensive list:
Domain Management
- update
- enable
- disable
- read
- delete
Role Management
- manage_role
- add_role_users
- remove_role_users
- view_role_users
Client Management
- client_create
- client_update
- client_read
- client_delete
- client_set_parent_group
- client_connect_to_channel
- client_manage_role
- client_add_role_users
- client_remove_role_users
- client_view_role_users
Channel Management
- channel_create
- channel_update
- channel_read
- channel_delete
- channel_set_parent_group
- channel_connect_to_client
- channel_publish
- channel_subscribe
- channel_manage_role
- channel_add_role_users
- channel_remove_role_users
- channel_view_role_users
Group Management
- group_create
- group_update
- group_read
- group_delete
- group_membership
- group_set_child
- group_set_parent
- group_manage_role
- group_add_role_users
- group_remove_role_users
- group_view_role_users
To create a new role, click on the + Create
button, provide a descriptive name for the role, and optionally add users and actions
Once created, domain roles can be edited in their respective pages. A user can edit the domain role name, role actions and role members.
These fields can be updated directly on the page or via the dropdown menu options.
Domain Members
An admin or a member with the right permissions can assign users to a domain. Members must be assigned with specific roles.
This feature is currently under development 🔨